The technology of marketing research of consumer’s motivations and behavior at the Ukrainian market of high-tech products.

A higher education establishment in Kyiv (Ukraine) developed a methodology of marketing research of consumer’s motivations and behaviour at the market of high-tech products. Using the proposed technology provides an opportunity to get primary market information on the basis of which competitive marketing strategies are formed. They are looking for partners interested in effective marketing and sales of high technology products to provide marketing and consulting services.

POD Reference

13 UA RE08 3SQV


A higher education establishment in Kyiv (Ukraine) developed a methodology of marketing research of consumer’s motivations and behaviour at the market of high-tech products. Using the proposed technology provides an opportunity to get primary market information on the basis of which competitive marketing strategies are formed. They are looking for partners interested in effective marketing and sales of high technology products to provide marketing and consulting services.


The proposed method based on a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods of marketing research, the method of gathering of primary marketing information and a list of research questions are proposed. The results of research use for forming marketing strategies of the enterprise, as well as strategies for its competitive behavior. The proposed method was implemented in marketing activities of several Ukrainian companies; technique helped to increase sales of these companies, improving their competitive position in Ukraine market. The seller has many years experience in research and practical field of marketing research, marketing support of enterprises at national and international markets.

Current and Potential Domain of Application: The proposed methodology can be effectively used on any markets of hi-tech products, namely: in industry of electronics, information technologies, telecommunication industry, alternative energy.

Comments: In order to most effectively promote their products, most high-tech foreign companies that operate on the Ukrainian market, carry out marketing research of consumer motivations mainly with the help of specialized marketing agencies. This type of marketing researches practically is not carry out by Ukrainian producers of hi-technology products.

Advantages and Innovations

The specific features of forming of consumers’ motivations of high-tech products are analyzed on the basis of marketing research of their motives on Ukrainian market. The structure and dynamics of motivations of consumers, their technological and market uncertainty, perceived risk, degree of loyalty to the products are determined. An innovative model of purchasing behavior of Ukrainian consumers is built and their market behavior typology is formed. A stratified consumer motivation matrix is worked out as a basis for forming marketing strategies; practical recommendations concerning formation of the high-tech product positioning strategy are provided.

Stage of Development

Available for demonstration

IPR status


Comments Regarding IPR Status

Offered methodology was developed by researcher, as an object of intellectual property has copyrights and contains now-how.

Profile Origin

National R&D programme

Deadline Date

4/25/2015 12:00:00 AM



Technology Keywords

011007 Foresight tools

Market Keywords

001001 Commercial Communications
002001 Computers
002005 Peripherals
006005 Alternative Energy


Partner Sought

Type and Role of Partner Sought

- Type of partner sought: industry enterprises

- Specific area of activity of the partner: production of high technology products

- Task to be performed by the partner sought: to give necessary information about products, technology of production, financial and economic data of market activity

Type of Partnership Considered

Commercial agreement with technical assistance
Financial agreement