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A university in Kyiv (Ukraine) offers the technology for designing of diagnostic kits for plant viruses based on molecular and serological approaches. High sensitivity and specificity, competitive pricing and experience of the staff involved are among the advantages of the proposal. The university is looking for long-term partners interested in establishing production facilities for designing and producing kits for diagnostics of plant viruses.
A Ukrainian university offers services/cooperation in biological protection of agricultural, decorative and medicinal plants against bacterial diseases using viruses of bacteria. The university is interested in establishing long term cooperation with potential partners (producers of agricultural products) in a form of technical cooperation and subcontracting services.
A Ukrainian university offers services in analysis and diagnostics of agricultural products (cereal, vegetable, water-melons, oilseeds, leguminous, fruit, ornamental and medicinal plants) and seed material for the presence of viral infections. The university is interested in establishing long term cooperation with potential partners (producers of agricultural products) in a form of subcontracting services.
A university in Kyiv (Ukraine) offers an effective probiotic (endosporinum) for treatment and prevention of dysbiosis, intestinal and purulent infections, postpartum endometritis, retained of fetal membranes and other inflammatory diseases of genital ways of agricultural animals. The endosporinum stimulates protective immune response, inhibits pathogens, reduces convalescence time. Organization seeks of technical cooperation with companies that produce biological products.
A university in Kiev (Ukraine) offers a technology of formation an intelligent system of product planning of projects which provides planning of project and operation activities of the enterprises and connection between the activities through the management of the labor and material resources. The technology makes easy to work with the large volume of work plans and to create a high level of detail projects. University is looking for customers interested in developing and using this technology.
A university in Kyiv (Ukraine) offers the technology for preclinical research of antimetastatic and antitumor agents based on the induction of cancer metastasizing into liver. The advantages: short time period for testing, high effectiveness. The university is looking for partners interested in experimental study of novel agents of antimetastatic effect, as well as in research of effectiveness of complex administration of antimetastatic and hepatoprotective agents.
A university in Kyiv (Ukraine) offers a method of use of metal nanoparticles in technologies of crop growing. Preplant and vegetative treatment of seed crops using a non-ionic colloidal solution of metal nanoparticles in physiological concentrations provides obtaining of safe products with a high content of nutrients. The organization is looking for investors and partners interested in further studies and use of the method in agriculture industry.
Phyto-ecological estimation of the impact of anthropogenic factors (herbicides, pesticides, agricultural products, nano-drugs, GMOs) and global climate change
A higher education establishment (Ukraine) offers a technology of nanomaterials creation with use of templates, which form a structure with preselected type of elements ordering, and can be used in nanoelectronics and alternative energy sources. The technology allows creating templates with necessary characteristics using standard equipment, it is efficient and environmentally friendly. The company is looking for investors and partners to launch joint production of high efficiency solar cells.
A higher education establishment (Ukraine) offers a nonwaste technology of purification of soils and water surface from oil and its products. The technology based on use of a sorbent, which was got from natural oxidized graphite. It is characterized by high degree of surfaces purification, simplicity of distribution of the sorbent on surfaces, the high ability for absorption of oil and its products. The company is looking for investors to organize of fabrication of units for sorbent production.