Phyto-ecological estimation of the impact of anthropogenic factors (herbicides, pesticides, agricultural products, nano-drugs, GMOs) and global climate change

Phyto-ecological estimation of the impact of anthropogenic factors (herbicides, pesticides, agricultural products, nano-drugs, GMOs) and global climate change

POD Reference



A university in Kyiv (Ukraine) offers expert estimation of the impact of the effects of herbicides, pesticides, agricultural products, nano-drugs, GMOs and global climate change on the adaptation and production potential of plants and on ecological state of agrocenosis. Unlike other assessments, the estimation provides a comprehensive analysis and a systematic approach. The organization is looking for partners interested in further studies and use in the agriculture industry.


The organization has developed a test system with a primary screening of variety-samples for stability, model systems of oxidative stress and the effects of biotic stressors (eyespot infection under controlled conditions) for the determination of the adaptive capacity of plants.

The organization proposes:

- Rapid assessment according with indicators of integrated parameters of growth, state of photosynthetic and pro-antioxidant systems, nonspecific resistance of plants;

- Checking in a production environment state of phyto- agrocenosis.

Field tests provide reliable assessment of the productive potential of ecosystems and biohazards for environment.

Phyto-ecological assessment of the impact of anthropogenic factors on plants can be a basis for the development of methodology for business plans in the field of agri-business and the formation of feasibility and financial indexes of the agricultural sector.

Advantages and Innovations

The main advantage of the proposal is an evaluation by integral indicators that enhances the reliability of the phyto-ecological results of the impact of anthropogenic factors.

Using of the proposed expert estimation significantly reduces the risks for the agricultural industry.

Stage of Development

Under development/lab tested

IPR status

Patent(s) applied for but not yet granted
Patents granted

Comments Regarding IPR Status

Ukrainian Patent for utility model,

New Ukrainian Patent applied in 2014

Profile Origin

National R&D programme

Deadline Date

7/24/2015 12:00:00 AM


Technology Keywords

007001003 Biocontrol

Market Keywords

009005 Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, Animal Husbandry and Related Products

Partner Sought

Type and Role of Partner Sought

Type of partner sought: Investors, research and production companies in agriculture industry,

Specific area of activity of the partner: quality of production, environmental safety

Task to be performed by the partner sought: partners would be interested in collaboration regarding technology improvements in agriculture industry

Type and Size of Partner Sought

R&D Institution
SME 11-50

Type of Partnership Considered

Research cooperation agreement
Technical cooperation agreement