About Park

As global experience in creation and development of Science Parks has proven, the desired effect can be achieved only when the process includes the higher education infrastructure. This secures a permanent hiring policy and involves in the innovation process the most dynamic part of society: students, who strive to reach the highest achievements in education, career and business. They form the most dynamic group and demand relatively small investments.

Many large corporations around the world were only small firms at the beginning, which were created after successful R&D at universities. It is small business, which takes part in implementation of new risky ideas by means of turning them into goods. In this way, the shortest innovation cycle occurs.

The fusion of university and academic science within Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv Science Park gives a unique opportunity to launch an effective innovation process.:

The mission of the Park includes advancement and commercialization of smart R&D and technology projects in the field of theoretical and applied Sciences. Among its goals is organization of conferences and meetings aimed at building a bridge between Science and business in Ukraine and world.

  • Absence of entrance duty on import equipment for the Park projects.
  • Benefits for Rents.

Press about Science Park

Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University Comunications Centre

Science Park Main Regulations


 Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University

Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University


National University of Food Technologies

National University of Food Technologies


O.V.Palladin Institute of Biochemistry of NAS of Ukraine

O.V.Palladin Institute of Biochemistry of NAS of Ukraine


Institute of Organic Chemistry of NAS of Ukraine

Institute of Organic Chemistry of NAS of Ukraine


 I.M.Frantsevich Institute of Materials Science of NAS of Ukraine

I.M.Frantsevich Institute of Materials Science of NAS of Ukraine
