A Ukrainian university offers services/cooperation in biological protection of agricultural, decorative and medicinal plants against bacterial diseases using viruses of bacteria. The university is interested in establishing long term cooperation with potential partners (producers of agricultural products) in a form of technical cooperation and subcontracting services.
POD Reference |
BOUA20141003002 |
Summary |
A Ukrainian university offers services/cooperation in biological protection of agricultural, decorative and medicinal plants against bacterial diseases using viruses of bacteria. The university is interested in establishing long term cooperation with potential partners (producers of agricultural products) in a form of technical cooperation and subcontracting services. |
Description |
The university department of virology has a strong team and the reach experience in designing of viral drugs for control of bacterial diseases of cultural plants. Bacterial diseases cause significant losses in plant agriculture and floriculture. The major mean for control of bacterial infections of plants lies in the use of anti-bactericidal compounds (antibiotics). Recent European legislation bans the use of the antibiotics in agriculture in most European countries. Viruses of bacteria (bacteriophages) are the alternative perspective way of biological protection of plants. The Department of Virology of the University has 20 years of experience of dealing with viruses of plant pathogenic bacteria – potential agents for biocontrol of bacterial diseases of major crops cultivated in Ukraine. The university proposes to adapt the virus-based drugs against bacterial infections of sugar beet, cabbage, carrot, fruit cultures, etc. The university is interested in establishing long term cooperation with potential partners (manufacturers of agricultural products and ornamental crops, service of quarantine and plant protection, hothouse farms) in a form of subcontracting services and of long-term technical cooperation. |
Advantages and Innovations |
- high quality service - complete ‘trouble-free’ workflow (consulting, sampling, analysis, reporting, follow-on) - wide laboratory collection of bacterial viruses - ecological safety of such virus-based drugs - competitive pricing - ‘be in advance’ approach for doing of agricultural business – preparedness is a key for successful planning - lower cost of production of these drugs |
Stage of Development |
Under development/lab tested |
IPR status |
Secret Know-how |
Profile Origin |
National R&D programme |
Deadline Date |
10/10/2015 12:00:00 AM |
Technology Keywords |
006001006 Diagnostics, Diagnosis |
Market Keywords |
009005 Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, Animal Husbandry and Related Products |
Partner Sought
Type and Role of Partner Sought |
Type of partner: Company, industry, any business needing services in plant disease management Specific area of activity: quarantine and plant protection services Tasks to be performed: subcontracting works and technical cooperation in biological protection of plants/plant products against bacterial diseases |
Type and Size of Partner Sought |
R&D Institution |
Type of Partnership Considered |
Services agreement |